After a failed attempt in the pool in Malacca where I got so scared a few months ago, papa,
mummy and Auntie Michele tried again at our condo pool

There needs to be privacy laws in Malaysia

Auntie Catherine's Edison was back from Terengganu

Dinner time, papa puts me in my high chair to have dinner as a family and I get to eat my

papa getting me to make friends with the float to overcome my fear

some words i know... papa, mama, book, clock, hair, teeth, eyes, stand up, sit down, flower,
fan, clap, twinkle little stars, stop, no, yes, nod, where is...? sleep, sayang (love), hug, kiss, TV, High 5, dance and
many more

Yay, I like it now. Its not so bad after all.

My hair has not grown that much but I now have 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 bottom

Edison is now 5 months old

I still cannot speak, not even say papa, mama but can understand at least 40-50 words/commands

Great Grand Ma giving me an ang pow for my birthday

Today is 27 October 2005, I can stand for the 1st time on my OWN!